Take control of your child's education

You Design your Learning Pod

Empowering communities dedicated to reclaiming the future of education. Fostering safe, stable alternatives and individualized choice.

What are Learning Pods?

Learning Pods are small groups of children coming together to learn outside of the traditional school setting. The rest is up to you.

How do I start a Learning Pod?

Sign up for free (Basic) and select the membership option of your choice; Plus membership, for DIY podding, and Premium to work with a Learning Pods associate.

We’ve taken the guesswork out of podding by assisting you to:

  • Determine your needs and limitations. Learning Pods helps you determine your educational needs, budget, schedule and all other pod preferences in your custom profile.
  • Create or find a pod based on your preferences. Connect with local parents and teachers that match your predefined criteria, such as children’s age or learning level, budget and so much more.

Who can teach a Learning Pod?

A learning pod can be facilitated by a registered educator or teacher, homeschooling parent, tutor, retired educator/tutor/homeschooler, student teacher, extra-curricular teacher of any kind and more.

On Learning Pods you determine which facilitator(s) you want to hire for your pod.

How much does a Learning Pod cost?

On Learning Pods you determine your available budget, and expenses are shared between the parents of the pod.

Prices vary between pods depending on preferences like schedule, hosting space and facilitator credentials. With Learning Pods, you design your learning pod including setting your budget.

Where is a learning pod hosted?

A learning pod can be hosted by one or more pod parent, facilitator or a third party commercial, residential or other host, provided the space is clean, safe and child friendly.

Post your listing space and set your terms, determine your fee and space availability on Learning Pods

Becoming a Learning Pods Facilitator

Learning Pods was designed for facilitators like you.

Right now, there are parents near you looking for your support with their children!

How do I teach a pod?

Join the growing network of independent facilitators on Learning Pods.

  • Upgrade your account to; set your own rates and facilitating preferences.
  • Meet potential clients and hosts for your pod.

Access a variety of tools and resources to increase pod security and effectiveness.

  • Profile verification and background checks
  • Agreement templates, liability insurance and more.

What are the benefits of teaching a pod?

Have autonomy doing what you love, while belonging to the safety of the Learning Pods framework.

Work with likeminded families to create a safe and positive work environment for yourself, and your families and their learners.

Offer your learners the quality experiences they deserve and watch them flourish.

Join our network to create your own pod or have a Learning Pods representative assist you.

Becoming a Pod Parent

Become a member of Learning Pods and be connected to pods in your area, members to create your own pod or have a Learning Pods representative assist you.

How do I start a learning pod

There are many ways to have and form a pod. Getting started is easy and there are many benefits to discover.

  • For families with children of all ages and grade levels
  • Consider your budget, your schedule needs, curriculum wants and modality (i.e. in person, online, etc.)
  • Define your needs to find what you’re looking for.

Learning pods, like homeschooling, is legal across Canada. Become a member of the Learning Pods network for more information.

What are the benefits of pod learning?

Have autonomy in your family’s choices, while belonging to the safety of the Learning Pods framework.

Connect with likeminded families and create a safe, stable and positive environment for your children to thrive.

Get started & learn more about pods.

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